A Study on Developmental Process of Golf Courses in Korea before the Independence of 1945 인문,사회과학편 : 광복이전 한국골프코스의 발전과정에 관한 연구
45(4) 1-11, 2006
A Study on Developmental Process of Golf Courses in Korea before the Independence of 1945 인문,사회과학편 : 광복이전 한국골프코스의 발전과정에 관한 연구
This study focuses on the developmental process of golf courses in Korea before the Independence of 1945, the author comes to the conclusion as below. Korean golf started with the construction of Hyochangwon Golf Course designed by English Dannt in 1921. But it had to be moved to Cheongnyangri Golf Course in 1924 and again to Gunjari Golf Course in 1929 because of the insufficient space, inconvenient transport and the desire for the improved golf course. The Chosun Golf Union was established to manage the golf events in general including various golf tours and the publication of golf journal. On this occasion, Korean golf has been systemized and developed. On the other hands, the local golf clubs were opened such as Daegu Golf Course in 1924, Pyeonyang Golf Course in 1928, Wonsan Golf Course in 1929 and Busan Golf Course in 1932.
Key Words
development process, golf in korea, before the second world war
Study on the JongJungDo described in Nanjung Ilgi 인문,사회과학편 : 이순신의 난중일기에 나타난 종정도(從政圖)에 관한 연구
진윤수YoonSooJin , 최대현DaeHyunChoi , 안진규JinKyuAn
45(4) 13-21, 2006
Study on the JongJungDo described in Nanjung Ilgi 인문,사회과학편 : 이순신의 난중일기에 나타난 종정도(從政圖)에 관한 연구
진윤수YoonSooJin , 최대현DaeHyunChoi , 안진규JinKyuAn
The present study took its aim on identifying what the game of JongJungDo(從政圖) was for General Lee through the text analysis method with a focus on "Nanjung Ilgi(亂中日記)". Physical activities, in view of physical educational history, found in the diary could be summarized as an archery practice(射), ssirum(角力), a game of paduk(手談), changgi(博), and Jong-jung-do play(從政圖), etc. The study was materialized as followings. Fist, JongJungDo play as a means of social interaction is performed for contriving fellows in arms among General Lee's naval forces Second, JongJungDo play which is not a play of Agon but a play of Alea is performed for spending kill time without physiological load. Third, JongJungDo play which is implied to educate information about government post and give motive for promotion to the men under General Lee's commend is played to educational game.
Key Words
JongJungDo, Nanjung Ilgi, Lee, Sun-Shin
A Historical Research and Current Usages of ‘Taek-gyen’ 인문,사회과학편 : ‘태껸’용어의 실태와 역사적 고증
45(4) 23-30, 2006
A Historical Research and Current Usages of ‘Taek-gyen’ 인문,사회과학편 : ‘태껸’용어의 실태와 역사적 고증
This paper has studied on the changes and the current usages of Taek-gyen(택견) words. First of all, this study has analyzed preceding researches on the past Taek-gyen(택견). Then there were many mistakes in quotations and historical researches of original books and papers. Especially, it has been revealed that the writer of 『才物譜』- the important historical book on Taek-gyen(택견)- was 李晩永,(1748-1817) and the title of the book by Stewart Culin in 1895 was 「Korean Games with Notes on the Corresponding of China and Japan」. Also, this researcher could find out that both Taek-gyen(택견) and Tae-kyen(태껸) have been used together through examining actual materials of various media. Therefore, Taek-gyen(택견) could be the valuable inheritance if specialists make efforts like these : the historical research on accurate facts about the past Taek-gyen(택견) , the active popularization, and the extension of the right usages of words.
Key Words
Taek-gyen, Stewart Culin, Jeamulbo, Lee, Man-Young
Why is the Doping in Sport immoral? - A critical consideration of the anti-doping discourse - 인문,사회과학편 : 도핑은 왜 비도덕적인가? - 도핑금지담론의 비판적 고찰 -
45(4) 31-39, 2006
Why is the Doping in Sport immoral? - A critical consideration of the anti-doping discourse - 인문,사회과학편 : 도핑은 왜 비도덕적인가? - 도핑금지담론의 비판적 고찰 -
It is belong to the common sense, that doping in sport is wrong und immoral conduct. What is wrong with the use of drugs to achieve excellence in sport? The fairness argument is that performance-enhancers give users an "unfair advantage" over non-users, who no longer have an "equal chance" to do well. The health argument is that athletes who use drug is resigned to the health risks. The third and fourth argument claimed that drug users put coercive pressure on non-users to begin using the drugs of pain of no longer being able to compete a the same level as the users. The propensity of youths to imitate the behavior of their athletic heroes is offered as the fifties reason to prohibit doping in sport. But we do not prohibit by law the use of alcohol and smoking by athletes, though we know very well that young athletes might imitate that. The final argument is a claim concerning what constitutes a "natural" person and the ideal of the sports contest. The claim is that drug users are and "artificially-enhanced" athlete, not the natural person who is supposed to be tested by the athletic contest. But what a natural person is and is not is by no means clear-cut, especially in this technological age.
Key Words
sport, moral, sport ethics, doping, anti-doping discourse
Reading Sport in Movie 인문,사회과학편 : 영화 속의 스포츠 읽기
45(4) 41-48, 2006
Reading Sport in Movie 인문,사회과학편 : 영화 속의 스포츠 읽기
In this study, I use movie analysis to examine the meaning what is sport in sport movies. for this purpose I collected to movies in relation to sport. I employ a concept of sport to establish the framework to analyze the meaning of sport represented in movies. It is my intent to demonstrate that the basic structure and meaning of sport movie evolved recently. This study is about the mean that sport has presented in sport movies. The main theme is concerned with the meaning of sport represented in sport movies. There are meaning of sport that this study is attempting to resolve. It is important to understand the meaning in examining sport movies. The charming of Sport movie is Challenge spirit, Spirit intensively, Human being drama and Impression. This study have examined the meaning of sport in relation to social change. This study depicted the meaning for reading sport in movies. As a result we listen to that sport said to us. it is said that sport meaning in sport movies are sporting activity for myself. therefor we shall seek to free in sporting activity without thinking sport high skill and super star athlete.
Key Words
sport movie, sport meaning, sporting activity
Cross cultural Approach to the Red Devil and Hooligan 인문,사회과학편 : 붉은악마와 훌리건의 비교문화적 접근
45(4) 49-59, 2006
Cross cultural Approach to the Red Devil and Hooligan 인문,사회과학편 : 붉은악마와 훌리건의 비교문화적 접근
This study is a cross cultural approach to the Red Devil and Hooligan, which is expressed as collective behavior in modern sports. The results are: First, the appearance of the Red Devil and cheering culture is coherent to the rapid social-cultural change starting at the end of 1980s. On the other hand, the Hooligan appeared from the labor class at the point where historical soccer changed to modern sports. Secondly, it is a cultural similarity. Both Physical abuse of the Hooligans and unique style of the Red Devil is a form of taking standpoint as organized emotion or feeling through language, gesture, style, and collective behavior, which are individual taste. Thirdly, it is a cultural difference. The largest difference between the Red Devil and Hooligan is that the Red Devil is activated through cyber space. The supporter culture including the Korean Red Devil is different from the Hooligan, which is rooted down to political and economical conflict of labor class.
Key Words
collective behavioral, social movement, Red Devil, Hooligan, Hooliganism comparative research
The meaning of body and physical education as appears in Hsiao-Hsueh(小學) 인문,사회과학편 : 《소학(小學)》에 나타난 몸에 대한 의미와 체육교육
강유원YuWonKang , 김이수YiSooKim
45(4) 61-70, 2006
The meaning of body and physical education as appears in Hsiao-Hsueh(小學) 인문,사회과학편 : 《소학(小學)》에 나타난 몸에 대한 의미와 체육교육
강유원YuWonKang , 김이수YiSooKim
The view of body as a appears in Hsiao-Hsueh(小學) begins with the concept that one's "limbs, hair and flesh are the legacies of parents(身體髮膚 受之父母)." This naturally leads to the ethics, which legitimatizes the veneration towards one's own soma(MOM). This also emphasize that education begins with prenatal care, inside the mother's womb. Thus education, which starts from the mother's body, goes through 3 levels of training, in order to achieve the purpose of a Confucian scholar. That is, the somatic education(六德) is completed by processes of both the education of the physical(六藝) and education through the physical(六行), which are processes for MOM-Cultivation. Such educational process can be understood as a trend that underscores a type of Monism, which is in the same line as the somatic educational theory.
Key Words
Hsiao-Hsueh MOM-Cultivation, somatic education
The Beauty of Human Body in Greek sculpture 인문,사회과학편 : 그리스 조형예술을 통해본 인체미
45(4) 71-80, 2006
The Beauty of Human Body in Greek sculpture 인문,사회과학편 : 그리스 조형예술을 통해본 인체미
The purpose of this thesis is to analyze broad-ranged and profound aesthetic experiences by which Greek people who had sought mental activities and harmony & development of the body presented the trained beauty of human body and supreme ideology through sculpture arts, as the physical activities take concrete and systematic shape according to the change of periods between the nations and peoples with the history of human, and to boost the quality of life we are living. First: I analyzed anatomical and structural meaning, that is which of the muscles in the trained physical movements was used to have them experience the aesthetic state shown in the sculptures for human health. Second: considered the biomorphological meaning due to the reason. Third : It was analyzed the philosophical meaning in Platon`s Timaios and artistic acme of the beauty, or physical beauty shown in Greek sculptures through the three works of arts. The first work is Polykleitos' Doryphoros, and the second is Laokoon, the third is Myron's Discobolus. The Pure beauty of choreographer by Martha Graham and photographers works. In conclusion, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks for leaning "edle Einfalt und Still Gre", the words of J. J. Winckelmann, and experiencing the highest reach of moderated beauty, and for the good opportunity to analyze immortal works imbued with the finest spirit of Greek people.
Key Words
The culture of physical training comes from the values of traditional Korean plays and traditional Korean dance 인문,사회과학편 : 전통놀이와 춤 상관을 통한 체육적 가치
45(4) 81-91, 2006
The culture of physical training comes from the values of traditional Korean plays and traditional Korean dance 인문,사회과학편 : 전통놀이와 춤 상관을 통한 체육적 가치
The language of the play meets the beginning synthesis of art and goes back to our religion nature. The play is an ancient times connection to god with sacrificial rites to make a connection through exorcism. Jaechenulle is a play and a dance to make a proposal to god. Sinlla Hwalang had physical training. A total state of organization came through Boddhism and shamanism. The Palguan festival emphasizes the traditional play, dance, and military arts of physical training. The study of physical value through korean traditional plays and dance requires as much interest as following of traditional sports.
Key Words
Korean traditional play and dance
Life and Sports of a Elite Sports Woman`s Athletes: Feminist Approach 인문,사회과학편 : 엘리트선수출신 여성의 삶과 스포츠활동: 페미니즘적 접근
45(4) 93-102, 2006
Life and Sports of a Elite Sports Woman`s Athletes: Feminist Approach 인문,사회과학편 : 엘리트선수출신 여성의 삶과 스포츠활동: 페미니즘적 접근
The purpose this study investigated and described the life worlds of Korean women as elite sports athletes. Ethnographic method was conducted for 6 Korean women athletes. The life worlds revealed from the above analyses can be summarized as the followings. The life worlds of Korean elite women athletes can be categorized into three characteristic periods, those are the period for beginning the athletics and becoming national representative athlete, the period for obtaining medal at major world's athletic competition, and the period for retiring from athletics and thereafter. First of all, The life world of Korean women athletes in the period of beginning their athletics consists of getting interest and becoming favorable value system and finally participate in their particular sports event. In the period of becoming the national representative athletes, Korean women elite athlete show cognitive commitment into their sports events as well as their behavioral commitment into their athletics. These commitment again contribute to successive winning in their sports events and lead to become champions in the biggest athletic competitions. Lastly, After their retirement they usually married and undertake multiple roles such as wife, mother, daughter in law, athletes, coaches or etc.
Key Words
Life and sports, elite sports women`s athletes
The Influence of Dancesport Fun Factors and Exercise Environment Satisfaction on Leisure Flow and Exercise Adherence 인문,사회과학편 : 댄스스포츠 재미요인과 운동환경만족이 참가자의 여가몰입 및 운동지속에 미치는 영향
45(4) 103-112, 2006
The Influence of Dancesport Fun Factors and Exercise Environment Satisfaction on Leisure Flow and Exercise Adherence 인문,사회과학편 : 댄스스포츠 재미요인과 운동환경만족이 참가자의 여가몰입 및 운동지속에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is to find out the influence of dancesport fun factors and exercise environment satisfaction on leisure flow and exercise adherence. Using a purposive sampling method, 460 adults who have enrolled in 16 centers of doing dancesport located in Seoul. Data were collected through the questionnaire, were analyzed to test the hypotheses with statistical methods such as ANOVA, multiple regression analysis, and path analysis. On the basis of the results analysed, the conclusions were drawn as following; 1) Personal characteristics of participants such as gender, educational background, income, perceived competence had a significant difference on exercise adherence, 2) Dancesport fun factors of participants had significantly influences on leisure flow, 3) Exercise environment satisfaction of participants had significantly influences on leisure flow, 4) Dancesport fun factors of participants had partly influences on exercise adherence, 5) Exercise environment satisfaction of participants didn't have an influences on exercise adherence, 6) Leisure flow of participants had significantly influences on exercise adherence, and 7) Dancesport fun factors and Exercise environment satisfaction of participants influenced on exercise adherence positively through leisure flow.
Social functions of Sport movie - Focusing on the meanings of the family in < Cinderella Man > 인문,사회과학편 : 영화 <신데렐라 맨>을 통해서 본 스포츠영화의 사회적 기능 – ‘가족’의 의미를 중심으로
박창범ChangBeomPark , 임수원SooWoenLim
45(4) 113-122, 2006
Social functions of Sport movie - Focusing on the meanings of the family in < Cinderella Man > 인문,사회과학편 : 영화 <신데렐라 맨>을 통해서 본 스포츠영화의 사회적 기능 – ‘가족’의 의미를 중심으로
박창범ChangBeomPark , 임수원SooWoenLim
The purpose of this study is to figure out the meanings of family in movie < Cinderella Man >, as well as their symbolic implication and ideology. This study conduct the text analysis to find out the images of family on sports-related movie < Cinderella Man >. Narrative analytical methods have been used in this study. The this research placed boxing and familism under three categories. these categories are the boxing by means of fairness and family as a moral group, the defeated desire to boxing and married couple with harmonized love, the self-realization through boxing and family as a relational being. first, in the boxing by means of fairness and family as a moral group categories, the importance of family and role of family as a moral group are revealed through boxing to show the entity of life. second, in the defeated desire to boxing and married couple with harmonized love category, hero endeavors to makes his family's living through boxing the only way to earn money properly and the most his favorite job. third, in the self-realization through boxing and family as a relational being category, hero's win shows that the desire for self realization can be more glorious when the victory is achieved not in individual dimension but in social dimension. The social functions of sports-related movie < Cinderella Man > are providing information, socialization, entertainment, social integration and social control.
Key Words
sport movie, social function, family
Ideologies in Korean TV coverage of Hines Ward: A news framing analytic approach 인문,사회과학편 : 하인스 워드 뉴스 보도의 이데올로기: 뉴스 프레임 분석적 접근
45(4) 123-137, 2006
Ideologies in Korean TV coverage of Hines Ward: A news framing analytic approach 인문,사회과학편 : 하인스 워드 뉴스 보도의 이데올로기: 뉴스 프레임 분석적 접근
In last February 6th, Korean-American Hines Ward received MVP in Super Bowl. Every broadcasting stations and news paper companies reported Ward's every action, concentrated on him and his mother's adverse situations in their lives. Therefore, this study analyzed the news on Hines Ward through news frame analytic approach. Focused on main agency and issue composing Hines Ward news, I derived the agency frame and issue frame. Also in order to analyze what is the news ideology in the above frames, I derived the subject frame and the results are as follow. First, the agency frame of Hines Ward news is 'devoted son' frame, 'greaat player' frame, 'traditional Korean mother' frame. Second, the issue frame of Hines Ward news is 'hero making' frame, 'mixed blood accepting' frame, 'displeasure of life' frame, 'pride Korean' frame. Third, the subject frame of Hines Ward news is 'Heroism' frame, 'Patriarchy' frame, ‘Post-pure bloodism' frame.
Key Words
news frame, ideology, Hines Ward
A Study on Consciousness of Specialist related to Sports Phenomenon about Internet Game as Sports 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠로서 인터넷 게임에 대한 체육인들의 의식 조사
45(4) 139-148, 2006
A Study on Consciousness of Specialist related to Sports Phenomenon about Internet Game as Sports 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠로서 인터넷 게임에 대한 체육인들의 의식 조사
This study aims to survey consciousness of specialist related to sports phenomenon about internet game as sports. Analysis for this study was made by collecting data from 584 people who are specialist related to sports phenomenon. The data pertaining to this study was gathered using a self-administered survey which is made by previous studies(Kang, 2002; Kim, 1987; Lim, 1986, 1987; Dokunaga et al, 1983) and theories. SPSSWIN Version 12.0 was used to process the collected data. Frequency, One-way ANOVA and Crosstab were utilized as tools of analysis. In accordance with the research method and process mentioned above, the study produced the following results. First, the specialists related to sports phenomenon are negatively conscious of internet game values as sports have values. Second, the specialists related to sports phenomenon are negatively conscious of internet game effects as sports have effects. At last, the specialists related to sports phenomenon are negatively conscious of internet game application to sports, physical education, and leisure sports.
Key Words
internet game, consciousness of specialist related to sports phenomenon
The Relationship between Career Counsel of University Athletes, and Career Exploratory Behavior 인문,사회과학편 : 대학운동선수의 진로상담과 진로탐색행동의 관계
45(4) 149-157, 2006
The Relationship between Career Counsel of University Athletes, and Career Exploratory Behavior 인문,사회과학편 : 대학운동선수의 진로상담과 진로탐색행동의 관계
The purpose of this study is to investigate relationship between career counsel of university athlete and career exploratory behavior. As for the subjects of a research, it established a population targeting athletes in university who are in the national and public universities, which are registered in Korea Sports Council as of 2005. The survey questionnaires were used to collect the data. The questionnaire for the formalization factor of career exploratory behavior by Choi(2003). The statistical methods such as analysis of covariance, reliability analysis were used to analyze the collected data. From the analyses of the data, the study reached the following conclusions: First, career exploratory behavior and sub-factor are different experience and non-experience of career counsel of university athlete. Second, career exploratory behavior and sub-factor are different target of career counsel of university athlete.
Key Words
university athletes, career counsel, career exploratory behavior
The Relationships among the Support of Significant Others, Dance application and Dance addition 인문,사회과학편 : 댄스스포츠 참가자의 주관자 지원과 댄스활용 및 댄스 중독의 관계
45(4) 159-168, 2006
The Relationships among the Support of Significant Others, Dance application and Dance addition 인문,사회과학편 : 댄스스포츠 참가자의 주관자 지원과 댄스활용 및 댄스 중독의 관계
The purpose of the study was to find out the relationships among the emotional and economical support of 3 significant others such as spouse, friends, teachers, dance application and dance addition. 500 subjects who have participated 2-3 times over 1 year were selected. Analysis of correlations and covariance structures method were used so the model is modified. The Conclusions were as follows; 1. The support of significant others have influence on the dance addiction. The friends factor and some dance events are highly influenced to dance addiction. 2. The support of significant others have a effect on the dance application and dance skils have partially effect on dance application. 3. The dance application of participants is influenced on the dance addiction, dance time and period is highly effected on the dance addiction. 4. The Support of significant others, dance skill, dance application, dance addition have a casual relation.
Key Words
support of significant others, dancet application, dance addition
Effect of Learning Attitude and Self-Control Ability in Elementary School Children`s on the Taekwondo Training 인문,사회과학편 : 초등학생의 태권도 수련이 학습태도 및 자기통제능력에 미치는 영향
한권상KwonSangHan , 유영창YoungChangYou
45(4) 169-179, 2006
Effect of Learning Attitude and Self-Control Ability in Elementary School Children`s on the Taekwondo Training 인문,사회과학편 : 초등학생의 태권도 수련이 학습태도 및 자기통제능력에 미치는 영향
한권상KwonSangHan , 유영창YoungChangYou
This study was designed to shed light on the effects of learning attitude and self-control ability in elementary school children's on the taekwondo training. This study involves 453 elementary school students taking taekwondo lessons in Seoul, who are selected by the stratified cluster random sampling. This paper utilizes the statistical data analysis methods including correlation analysis and regression analysis. The findings acquired based on the aforementioned research methods and data analysis are as follows: First, results from the analysis revealed that there were statistically significant differences in learning attitude according to individual characteristics of each elementary school children in the aspect of gender, school year, whether or not participated in the program and degree of participation. Second, results of analysis revealed that there were statistically significant differences in the difference of attentiveness, which was a sub-factor of self-control ability, according to individual characteristics of elementary school children in respect of school year, whether or not participated in the program, degree of participation and duration of training. Also, results from analysis revealed that there were statistically significant differences in the difference of interpersonal relations with regard to gender, school year and duration of training, and in the difference of concentration according to all variables, including gender, school year, whether or not participated in the program and duration of training, and so on. Third, learning attitude significantly influences self-control ability and explains 26.8%(R²=.268) of the variance.
Key Words
Taekwondo training influence, Learning attitude, self-control ability
A Study on Body Awareness, Body Satisfactions and Eating Behaviors in Adolescent dance major females 인문,사회과학편 : 청소년 무용전공자의 신체인식도와 신체만족도 및 식생활 태도에 관한 연구
박경혜GyungHeaPark , 김은희EunHeeKim
45(4) 181-189, 2006
A Study on Body Awareness, Body Satisfactions and Eating Behaviors in Adolescent dance major females 인문,사회과학편 : 청소년 무용전공자의 신체인식도와 신체만족도 및 식생활 태도에 관한 연구
박경혜GyungHeaPark , 김은희EunHeeKim
The purpose of this study was to examine the difference student who between dance major and music and art major student regarding body awareness, body satisfaction and eating behaviors. Data was obtained from 182 Art middle school girls in Seoul by self-administered questionnailres. Statistical data analysis methods for this study were factor, reliability, one-way ANOVA and Tukey analysis. The result of this study were: 1. According to a major, there was statistical signification in body awareness. 2. According to a major, there was statistical signification in body satisfaction. 3. According to a major, there was statistical signification in mental attitude of eating behaviour. 4. According to a major , there was statistical signification in anorexia nervosa of eating behaviour. In conclusion, dance major students have negative high score than non-dance major students in body awareness. and dance major students and non-dance major students have low score at body satisfaction, and dance major students have higher score at eating disorders than non-dance major.
Key Words
adolescent dance major females, body awareness, body satisfactions, eating behaviors
The Effect of Distribution in Mental Practice on Bunt Performance of Elementary School Students 인문,사회과학편 : 심리적 연습배분이 초등학생들의 번트수행에 미치는 영향
45(4) 191-200, 2006
The Effect of Distribution in Mental Practice on Bunt Performance of Elementary School Students 인문,사회과학편 : 심리적 연습배분이 초등학생들의 번트수행에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is to find the effects of distribution in psychological practice on the performance and retention and transfer. For the research, 40 males of six graders were divided into four groups. They carried out psychological and physical practices for four weeks. For the psychological practice, they were taught a program for relaxation, psychological control, regulation and concentration to achieve the optimum fake bunt in baseball. Following this program, the students watched the recorded video. Then, they demonstrated the fake bunt for the straight ball by closing their eyes and listening to the following sound recording. For the physical practice, they repeated actions which had already been seen in the recorded video. Relaxation and dispersion were analyzed to determine the effects on the performance and retention and transfer with the collected data. According to the result from the analysis, first, the performance and the effect of retention are more effective when 25~50% of psychological practice is mixed.
Key Words
baseball bunt, psychological and physical practice, retention and transfer
The psychological understanding of the participation and addiction of gambling golf 인문,사회과학편 : 도박성 골프게임 참여와 중독성향의 심리적 이해
조현익HyunIkCho , 김용준YongJunKim , 소영호YoungHoSo
45(4) 201-213, 2006
The psychological understanding of the participation and addiction of gambling golf 인문,사회과학편 : 도박성 골프게임 참여와 중독성향의 심리적 이해
조현익HyunIkCho , 김용준YongJunKim , 소영호YoungHoSo
The purpose of this study is to define participation of gambling golf that could generate addiction behavior along with several psychological factors. Total of 537 valid data are analysed by various statistical procedures such as Χ2-test, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and multiple regression in order to fulfill the purpose of this study. Results of such procedure could construct following conclusions. First, age and monthly income influence on participation type significantly. Men and high income golfers have more tendency to be addictive in gambling golf. Second, men golfers experience side effects of addiction in golf but women experience exercise motivation. Third, the more tendency to be addiction in golf shows the higher emotional affection and the social golfers are emphasize more on challenge type psychological satisfaction. Fourth, the emotional affection and exercise motivation were influenced by rest and relaxation that could be outcome of playing golf. Fifth, the career factor influences negatively on the psychological challenge but, the emotional affection and exercise motivation are influenced by positively. Sixth, the number of rounding golf, average score, emotional affection, and side effect of addiction influence positively on challenge and gambling. Seventh, the emotional affection, side effect of addiction, and exercise motivation influence positively on the hedonic pleasure seeking behavior.
A Study on Differences of Self-Identity according to the Leisure Activity Types of Female middle and high school student 인문,사회과학편 : 중·고등학교 여학생의 여가활동 유형에 따른 자아정체감의 차이 분석
김영준YoungJunKim , 김지태JiTaeKim , 이원일WonIlLee
45(4) 215-222, 2006
A Study on Differences of Self-Identity according to the Leisure Activity Types of Female middle and high school student 인문,사회과학편 : 중·고등학교 여학생의 여가활동 유형에 따른 자아정체감의 차이 분석
김영준YoungJunKim , 김지태JiTaeKim , 이원일WonIlLee
The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences of self-identity according to the type of leisure activity of female middle and high school student. Participants were 207 female youths of schools in Seoul, Gyeong-gi, In-cheon province. Questionnaires were used. Questions on types of leisure activity were based on the study of Ministry of Culture & Tourism(1995), and were modified to be suitable to this investigation. The self-identity was measured by modified 'Korean version of self-identity examination' developed by Park(1996). Descriptive analysis, X2 test, ANOVA, and ANCOVA were implemented in order to analyze the data. The findings of this study showed that 1) female middle and high school student's age had differences in the types of leisure activities, 2) female middle and high school student's age and residential area had statistically significant differences in the self-identity, and 3) after controlling for demographic variables(i.e., age, residential area, and family type) types of leisure activity had statistically significant differences in the self-identity.
Key Words
Leisure activity types, self-identity, female middle and high school student
Exercise Addiction, Self-esteem and Life-satisfaction in Aerobics exerciser 인문,사회과학편 : 에어로빅스 참가자의 사회·문화적 요인별 운동중독, 자아존중감, 생활만족의 인식
45(4) 223-233, 2006
Exercise Addiction, Self-esteem and Life-satisfaction in Aerobics exerciser 인문,사회과학편 : 에어로빅스 참가자의 사회·문화적 요인별 운동중독, 자아존중감, 생활만족의 인식
This research are concerned with the difference in exercise addiction among those who does aerobics in terms of their sex, age, social class, self-esteem and life satisfaction. Their exercise addiction, self-esteem scale and life-satisfaction were measured by Korean Scale which told us the following results. First, according to MANOVA, females had a higher self-esteem. In age, people in their 40s were on a higher scale in needs for exercise, withdrawal symptoms and attractive attachment. In social class, the upper class was on a higher scale in attractive attachment and life-satisfaction, the middle class was in self-esteem. In t-test for self-esteem and life-satisfaction, group who were higher on self-esteem scale were also higher on the sub-factors of exercise addiction, and group who were higher on life-satisfaction were higher on needs for exercise and attractive attachment. Second, according to the regression analysis, attractive attachment was related to exercise addiction which has an effect on self-esteem and life-satisfaction. This work was based on the previous studies related to exercise addiction, self-esteem and life-satisfaction.
Key Words
aerobics exerciser, social & cultural factors, exercise addiction, self-esteem scale, Life satisfaction
Perturbed Proprioceptive Perception during Finger Matching Tasks using the Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation 인문,사회과학편 : 반복적 경두개자기자극 적용으로 인한 고유감각 지각의 변화
이경현KyoungHyunLee , 이지항JiHangLee
45(4) 235-242, 2006
Perturbed Proprioceptive Perception during Finger Matching Tasks using the Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation 인문,사회과학편 : 반복적 경두개자기자극 적용으로 인한 고유감각 지각의 변화
이경현KyoungHyunLee , 이지항JiHangLee
Neural information processing mechanisms underlying proprioceptive perception between two hands were investigated by applying the repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation(rTMS) on various brain regions while subjects were performing finger matching tasks. Twenty three subjects participated in 4 conditions (sham TMS, Somatosensory cortex, the inferior parietal cortex, and the supplementary motor cortex stimulation). While the subjects after the sham TMS did not show any significant changes in their finger matching performances, the performances after the rest 3 simulation conditions showed significant decreases. Further, the effect of rTMS varied among brain areas (Somatosensory cortex, the inferior parietal cortex, supplementary motor cortex; from the strongest). While the effect of the rTMS significantly reduced the finger matching performance when applied to the S1 and the IPC, this effect was less dramatic when the SMA was stimulated providing insights about the nature of the proprioceptive information processing in brain.
The effect of contextual interference on bimanual coordination tasks 인문,사회과학편 : 양수협응과제의 맥락간섭효과
45(4) 243-250, 2006
The effect of contextual interference on bimanual coordination tasks 인문,사회과학편 : 양수협응과제의 맥락간섭효과
Contextual interference(CI) has been tested using bimanual coordination pattern of 90˚, 45˚ and 135˚ phase off-set. 12 subjects, either in random or blocked practice schedule, were subjected to acquire three task patterns in two consecutive days. Retention tests were given three times; right before the first day of acquisition, a day after the second day of acquisition and 3 days after the 2nd day of retention. Transfer test were performed 3 days after the 2nd day of retention. We found contextual inference effect on acquisition, the subject who learned the coordination pattern in blocked performed better than random in the first trial block of acquisition. The result from retention tests revealed that participants performing 135˚ coordination pattern in random group consistently performed better than blocked group. Also, they showed high score of RMSE on 135 relative phase task. This indicated that CI effect can be influenced by task difficulty. Transfer test showed blocked group performed better in 90˚ coordination pattern with 1.25 Hz.
The Relationship Between Basic Need, Motivation, Psychological Well-being and Behavioral Intention of Recreational Runners 인문,사회과학편 : 마라톤대회 참가자의 기본적 욕구, 동기, 심리적 웰빙 및 행동의도간의 관계
양명환MyungHwanYang , 김덕진DeokJinKim
45(4) 251-262, 2006
The Relationship Between Basic Need, Motivation, Psychological Well-being and Behavioral Intention of Recreational Runners 인문,사회과학편 : 마라톤대회 참가자의 기본적 욕구, 동기, 심리적 웰빙 및 행동의도간의 관계
양명환MyungHwanYang , 김덕진DeokJinKim
Based on self-determination theory, the purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between basic need, motivation, psychological well-being and behavioral intention in recreational running. Participants were 297 male and female runners entrants for 2005 Jeju Orange Marathon Meeting, which took place in December 2005, Jeju city. Results showed that basic need had positive direct effects on intrinsic motivation and identified regulation, and had negative direct effects on external regulation and amotivation. Among types of motivation, intrinsic motivation and identified regulation had significant positive direct effect on psychological well-being. Intrinsic motivation and identified regulation had significant positive effects on behavioral intention, while amotivation had significant negative direct effect on behavioral intention. Psychological well-being had significant positive direct effect on behavioral intention. Basic need had significant indirect effect on behavioral intention through motivation and psychological well-being. These results supported motivation model based on tenets of self-determination theory.
Key Words
self-determination theory, basic need, psychological well-being, behavior intention
The comparison of anxiety components between soccer players with visual impairment and non-handicapped soccer players 인문,사회과학편 : 시각장애인 축구선수와 일반인 축구선수의 불안요소 비교
The comparison of anxiety components between soccer players with visual impairment and non-handicapped soccer players 인문,사회과학편 : 시각장애인 축구선수와 일반인 축구선수의 불안요소 비교
he purpose of this study was to investigate the basic data to eliminate of anxiety of soccer players with visual impairment through investigate the component of anxiety of soccer players with visual impairment who do not have visual input and component of anxiety differences between soccer player. Semi-structured interviews and field observation were conducted with 10 elite soccer players( 5 soccer players with visual impairment(M age=31, SD=3.20), 5 non-handicapped soccer players(M age=27.20, SD=2.24) to investigate the component of anxiety in each group. The findings could be summarized as follows: Anxiety components of soccer players with visual impairment are reveals that in forms of worries- which is originated from social anxiety- about failure of performance/concentration, social evaluation and injury. Anxiety components of non-handicapped soccer players are be threatened by oneself, other players, team and coach's evaluation and injury. soccer players with visual impairment experienced anxiety with 'intrinsic image' be caused by auralsensual cues and auditorysensual images. soccer players experienced anxiety with 'extrinsic experience' be caused by visual cues and visual images.
The Impact of Exercise Addiction to Risk Sports on Sociality and Self-esteem 인문,사회과학편 : 모험스포츠 참가자의 운동중독이 사회성과 자기존중감에 미치는 영향
45(4) 277-291, 2006
The Impact of Exercise Addiction to Risk Sports on Sociality and Self-esteem 인문,사회과학편 : 모험스포츠 참가자의 운동중독이 사회성과 자기존중감에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is to examine whether or not exercise addiction to risk sports has influence on sociality and self-esteem. The participants of this study are 530 male and female adults at the age of their 20s who are doing risk sports at 5 clubs located in Pusan and Kyeongnam Province. They have been involved in the sports as the club members for more than 1 year - at least 4 times a month. A purposeful sampling method has been used in this study, and T-test and multi-regression have been employed for data analysis. The results show as follows: First, there is a significant difference between gender and a type of risk sports in exercise addiction. Second, there is a significant difference between gender and a type of risk sports in sociality. Third, there is a significant difference between gender and a type of risk sports in self-esteem. Fourth, exercise addiction to risk sports partially affects sociality. Finally, exercise addiction to risk sports partially affects self-esteem.
A study on reconized as Coaching Behavior Category of the Gymnasts 인문,사회과학편 : 체조선수들이 인식한 코칭행동범주에 관한 연구
45(4) 293-305, 2006
A study on reconized as Coaching Behavior Category of the Gymnasts 인문,사회과학편 : 체조선수들이 인식한 코칭행동범주에 관한 연구
How do gymnasts to recognize coaching behavior category level? The purpose of this study was to investigate prove the relation of gymnastic coaching behavior category. The subjects of this study were middle school, high school and college gymnasts. 391 data of them were analyzed. One-way ANOVA, t-test and two-way ANOVA were performed, using SPSS WIN 11.0. The result of these researches was as fallow. first, Coaching behaviors category was different in gender. explanation directions, question directions, positive feedback and administration directions were represented that male gymnasts higher than female gymnasts but female was higher than male gymnasts negtive feedback. second, Coaching behaviors category was different in experience winning prizes. third, Coaching behaviors category was different in each school male middle school marked more higher about explanation directions, question directions and male high school marked higher positive feedback and administration directions, forth, interection effect such was showed explanation directions, question directions, positive feedback and administration directions.
The actual conditions of the physical education curriculum reorganization of elementary school teachers 인문,사회과학편 : 초등학교 교사들의 체육과 교육과정 재구성 실태
박대권DaeGwonPark , 박창범ChangBeomPark
45(4) 307-316, 2006
The actual conditions of the physical education curriculum reorganization of elementary school teachers 인문,사회과학편 : 초등학교 교사들의 체육과 교육과정 재구성 실태
박대권DaeGwonPark , 박창범ChangBeomPark
The purpose of this study was to analyse the real conditions of physical education curriculum reorganization of elementary school teachers. To achieve the purpose of this study, a questionnaire survey was conducted. The subjects(n=151) were selected via random sampling from 5-elementary schools in Dae-Gu. and The collected data were analyzed through crosstab and frequency study and processed by SPSS 12. Most of elementary school teachers set an annual schedules and operated curriculum systematically. They thought that the curriculum is needed to be reorganized because of the condition of school, teacher's ability and so on. The reorganization were influenced by facilities and tools, teacher's ability and etc. They reorganized the curriculum centering around games and athletics due to student's interest and demand. They didn't pay attention to areas hard to teach such as expression activities and gymnastics. For the normal operation of physical education curriculum, teachers claimed to secure physical education specialist, sufficient facilities and implements, to improvement curriculum, and to develop and spread teaching materials.
Key Words
physical education, curriculum, reorganization
An Analysis of Elementary School Teachers` Teaching Concerns about Physical Education Lessons 인문,사회과학편 : 초등교사의 체육수업에 대한 교수관심사 분석
45(4) 317-328, 2006
An Analysis of Elementary School Teachers` Teaching Concerns about Physical Education Lessons 인문,사회과학편 : 초등교사의 체육수업에 대한 교수관심사 분석
The purpose of this study was to analyze elementary school teachers' teaching concerns about physical education lessons. The data was collected from 6 elementary school teachers who agreed to be the participants of this study. In-depth interviews were taken for three months from January to March in 2004. They were asked to answer what they were thinking, practicing, and reflecting on the physical education lessons while they were teaching physical education lessons. The data were analyzed by using the domain analysis, taxonomic analysis and componential analysis. The elementary school teachers' teaching concerns about physical education lessons were classified four domains: ‘the objectives of physical education lessons', ‘the quality of physical education lessons', ‘methodology of physical education lessons', and ‘assessment of physical education lessons'. The elementary school teachers did not understand the importance of the objectives of each lesson very well. They tended to keep superficial forms of documents like the national curriculums of physical education lessons and annual plans when they chose the contents of lessons. They also suffered from the lack of practical training on teaching methods. They placed more weight on the assessment of the psycho-motor domains compared to the assessment of affective domains.
Key Words
elementary school teachers, physical education Lessons, teaching concerns
The Analysis of Physical Education Teachers` Desire for Promotion in Secondary School 인문,사회과학편 : 중등체육교사의 승진욕구 분석
45(4) 329-338, 2006
The Analysis of Physical Education Teachers` Desire for Promotion in Secondary School 인문,사회과학편 : 중등체육교사의 승진욕구 분석
The purpose of this study is to understand the cause of physical education teachers' desire for promotion in secondary school. To achieve this purpose, the method used in this study was the qualitative study. Participants of this study consisted of seven male physical education teachers in secondary school. The data of this study were collected through the in-depth interviews, E-mail and literature reviews. The collected data were analyzed by using the encoding and category analysis. Reliability, validity and morality of the study were ascertained. The results of the analysis and interpretation of the study are as follow: The cause of physical education teachers' desire for promotion in secondary school categolized such as the working condition and the social point of view. The working condition is fallen into two categories such as the instruct condition and the physical education teachers' age. The social point of view is fallen into three categories such as the teachers' atmosphere for promotion, accountability and the surrounding prejudic.
Key Words
desire for promotion, physical education teacher
The Influence of General Dance Experience in Higher Education on Dance Attitude and Dance Involvement 인문,사회과학편 : 대학교양무용경험이 무용태도와 무용개입에 미치는 영향
김혜정HyeJeongKim , 조진희JinHeeJo
45(4) 339-348, 2006
The Influence of General Dance Experience in Higher Education on Dance Attitude and Dance Involvement 인문,사회과학편 : 대학교양무용경험이 무용태도와 무용개입에 미치는 영향
김혜정HyeJeongKim , 조진희JinHeeJo
The purpose of this study was to find out the influence of general dance experience in higher education on dance attitude and dance involvement. 800 college students who were selected through 10 universities located in Seoul, Gyeonggi-do and Chungcheong-do using the questionnaires based on previous study. Meaningful results are: 1, When the educational level of parents was higher and the interest of friends was greater, the level of dance experiences was found to be higher. 2, The longer the period of experiences of the dance course, the more positive the attitude towards dance. 3. Dance participants had a higher level of involvement in dance than none participants. Students who the longer period of participation in dance, were found to have dedicated more time, investment and effort in dance among the elements of involvement in dance. 4. There is a significant casual relationships among the experiences of the elective dance course, attitude to dance and the degree of involvement in dance.
The relationship among service quality, customer satisfaction, and customer attitude in Ski Resort: Based on visitors to Bokwang Phoenix Park 인문,사회과학편 : 스키리조트 서비스품질과 고객만족, 고객태도의 관계: 보광 휘닉스파크 이용객을 중심으로
45(4) 349-359, 2006
The relationship among service quality, customer satisfaction, and customer attitude in Ski Resort: Based on visitors to Bokwang Phoenix Park 인문,사회과학편 : 스키리조트 서비스품질과 고객만족, 고객태도의 관계: 보광 휘닉스파크 이용객을 중심으로
The main purpose of this study was to verify the relationship among service quality, customer satisfaction, and customer attitude. A survey was distributed to Bokwang Phoenix Park in January 2006, using convenience sampling. Among these answer sheets, those with more than one question were disregarded and so only 298 sheets were used for analysis. For statistical analysis method for data processing, frequency analysis, correlation analysis, reliability analysis and factor analysis were performed using SPSS WIN Ver. 12.0. To verify the established model, structure equation model analysis was performed using AMOS 4.0.The result are as follows. First, resort and subsidiary facilities among service quality factors affect customer satisfaction. Second, slope, convenience, service fares, promotion, and workers do not affect the customer satisfaction. Third, customer satisfaction affect customer attitude.
Key Words
ski resort, service quality, customer satisfaction, consumer attitude
A Study on the citizen`s Desire for effective Management Strategy of 2002 Busan Asian Games Main-stadium 인문,사회과학편 : 2002 부산아시안게임 주경기장의 효율적 경영전략을 위한 시민들의 욕구분석
조재기JaeKeeCho , 손명준MyungJunSon , 신영균YoungKyunShin
45(4) 361-377, 2006
A Study on the citizen`s Desire for effective Management Strategy of 2002 Busan Asian Games Main-stadium 인문,사회과학편 : 2002 부산아시안게임 주경기장의 효율적 경영전략을 위한 시민들의 욕구분석
조재기JaeKeeCho , 손명준MyungJunSon , 신영균YoungKyunShin
This study is directed toward providing basic data for the successful management of the main stadium of Busanasiad, based on the analysis of the environment around it, by analyzing citizens' desire for its facilities and idle space, with a view to maximizing the efficient ripple effect on its public works and profitable ones. The study of conclusions are as follows: In order to meet the consumers' desire for the facilities of the stadium and increase their utility by allowing more citizens to use them, required are a strategy for reinforcing extended products, including the improvement of inside convenience facilities, such as parking lot, stadium store, toilet, a strategy for reinforcing the development and promotion of the programs related to the use of the stadium, and a strategy for converting the main stadium to social athletic facilities. As a result of analyzing the consumers' desire for the idle space of the stadium, required are a strategy for attracting and developing health sports facilities, such as health center and yoga center, and new sports facilities like action sports place, food stores at the level of food department, sports goods shops carrying goods of famous foreign brands, and a wide variety of sports class for adults, and a strategy for developing the peripheral facilities into an attraction after connecting them.
Key Words
2002 Busan asian games main stadium, management strategy, desire of the citizens, sports marketing
The effect of female golf athlete`s image on advertising effects 인문,사회과학편 : 여성 골프 선수들의 이미지가 광고효과에 미치는 영향
이상일SangIlLee , 이현정HyunJungLee
45(4) 379-387, 2006
The effect of female golf athlete`s image on advertising effects 인문,사회과학편 : 여성 골프 선수들의 이미지가 광고효과에 미치는 영향
이상일SangIlLee , 이현정HyunJungLee
The purpose of this study was to identify various "sub-images" that comprise a professional female golfer's overall image and analyze the advertising effects created by these sub-images. To facilitate this research, 369 golfers from the Seoul and Metropolitan Seoul region were surveyed and the data was run through SPSS(Windows Ver 12.0) to obtain results for frequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, analysis of multiple regression. The sub-images identified in the study were feminism, friendliness, toughness, professionalism and celebrity look. With regards to the effects of these sub-images on consumers' buying intentions, toughness was a significant factor for male consumers while friendliness was a significant factor for female consumers. On the effects of sub-images of female pro-golfers on consumers' impression/liking of product logos, feminism was a significant factor for male consumers while feminism and celebrity look were significant for female consumers. Finally, with the effects of sub-images on product company images, male consumers tended to find celebrity look important while professionalism was significant for female consumers.
Key Words
female golf athlete`s image, advertising effects
The Analysis of Economic Effects of e-Sports Industry 인문,사회과학편 : e-스포츠산업의 경제적 효과 분석
45(4) 389-400, 2006
The Analysis of Economic Effects of e-Sports Industry 인문,사회과학편 : e-스포츠산업의 경제적 효과 분석
The purpose of this study was to analyze how much the e-sports industry contributes to the national economy by measuring economic spreading effects of e-sports industry on national economy. To achieve this purpose , the study used the e- sports Input-Output Table of year 2000 of korea. The results shows that e-sports industry induce 10,331 billion won of national production, especially e-sports industry shows that production inducement coefficient is 1.527, impact factor is 0.827, index of the sensitivity of dispersion is 0.576, import inducement coefficient is 0.068, value-added coefficient is 0.932, income inducement coefficient is 0.496 and employment inducement coefficient is 0.019. Regarding the industrial linkage effect, e-sports industry has an relatively higher growth potential in the national economy than other the manufacturing industry.
Key Words
e-sports industry, I-O Table, production inducement, value-adde inducement coefficient
An Analysis about Brand Personality and Brand Attitude of Mobile Company through Worldcup Advertisement 인문,사회과학편 : 월드컵 광고를 통한 이동통신 브랜드의 개성과 브랜드 태도에 관한 분석
임기태KiTaeYim , 김세웅SeWoongKim , 장진JinChang
45(4) 401-409, 2006
An Analysis about Brand Personality and Brand Attitude of Mobile Company through Worldcup Advertisement 인문,사회과학편 : 월드컵 광고를 통한 이동통신 브랜드의 개성과 브랜드 태도에 관한 분석
임기태KiTaeYim , 김세웅SeWoongKim , 장진JinChang
The purpose of this study was to compare big five in brand personality with brand attitude by using SKT and KTF brand. For collecting samples target was selected by university student and convenient sampling method was used. Total 212 samples were handed out and 188 samples were used for this study. The data was analyzed by using CFA through LISREL 8.50 and paired-samples t-test and multiple regression analysis through SPSS 11.01 version. The results were as follows; After verifying suitability of brand personality measurement model both SKT and KTF brand showed big five in brand personality were suitable. Therefore the results regarding mobile company brand through Worldcup advertisement showed KTF had high brand personality than SKT in sincerity and excitement factor. Brand personality of SKT and KTF were positively effected by brand attitude in relation brand personality with brand attitude. In the conclusion marketing strategies which agree with consumer personality through medium like sports and advertisement were very important.
A Study on the Brand Consciousness Based on the Awareness of Title Sponsorship in Professional Baseball 인문,사회과학편 : 프로야구 타이틀 스폰서십 인지에 따른 브랜드 의식 분석
신승호SeungHoShin , 전찬수ChanSooJun
45(4) 411-421, 2006
A Study on the Brand Consciousness Based on the Awareness of Title Sponsorship in Professional Baseball 인문,사회과학편 : 프로야구 타이틀 스폰서십 인지에 따른 브랜드 의식 분석
신승호SeungHoShin , 전찬수ChanSooJun
The purpose of this study was to examine how consumers feel corporation's brand which participates in title sponsorship of professional sports and analyze the impact on purchasing intention of corporation's product to provide a fundamental data. For collecting samples, target was selected by over 20 year-old adults. Total 450 samples were handed out and 415 samples were analyzed. The data were analyzed by using factor analysis, descriptive statistics, cross tabs, independent t-test, and multiple regression through SPSS 12.0. The results were as follows; 213(51.3%) respondents recognized title sponsor of professional baseball, however 202(48.7%) respondents did not. TV news/ads were the highest in the awareness channel. Sex and educational background showed differences in title sponsorship of professional baseball's awareness according to demographic variables. In case respondents recognize title sponsorship of professional baseball, brand consciousness had an positively effect on purchasing intention.
Key Words
title sponsorship, brand consciousness, purchasing intention
The Effects of the Satisfaction Factor of a Professional Sports Team Web Site on the users` intention for Site Revisiting and Game Attendance 인문,사회과학편 : 프로스포츠 구단 웹사이트 이용만족도가 사이트 재방문 및 직접 경기관전에 미치는 영향
김지영JiYoungKim , 김태윤TaeYoonKim , 강현민HyunMinKang
45(4) 423-431, 2006
The Effects of the Satisfaction Factor of a Professional Sports Team Web Site on the users` intention for Site Revisiting and Game Attendance 인문,사회과학편 : 프로스포츠 구단 웹사이트 이용만족도가 사이트 재방문 및 직접 경기관전에 미치는 영향
김지영JiYoungKim , 김태윤TaeYoonKim , 강현민HyunMinKang
The purposes of this study were 1)to identify the effects of satisfaction with such websites on the rate of revisit to the websites and their game attendance, and ultimately, 2)to provide basic information for applications of sports team marketing through the websites. 592 were analyzed questionnaires for students attending universities in Seoul. Multiple regression analysis were used to fulfill the purposes of this study. The results of this study were as follows: The intention to revisit the web site and to watch a professional sport game directly was affected by the satisfaction rate of the acquisition of desired information, the services offered, and the convenience of information search. Futhermore, the satisfaction rate of the acquisition of desired information was the most affective factor for revisiting the web site and watching the game.
Key Words
web site, satisfaction, professional sports team, revisiting, game attendance
Validity of the Korean Version of the Behavior Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire 인문,사회과학편 : 한국판 운동행위조절 질문지의 타당도
형구암KuAmHyung , 이준우JunWooLee , 강상조SangJoKang
45(4) 433-444, 2006
Validity of the Korean Version of the Behavior Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire 인문,사회과학편 : 한국판 운동행위조절 질문지의 타당도
형구암KuAmHyung , 이준우JunWooLee , 강상조SangJoKang
This study was conducted to test the validity of Behavior Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire(BREQ) developed by Mullen, Markland & Ingledew(1997) for korean. The subjects were 512 people participated in regular exercise of 3 days per week in seoul. The item analysis, correlation, EFA were used to test items' goodness-of-fit. As the result, cronbach' α of items was from .69 to .86 and 13 items removed 2 item (item 9, 13) were suitable. Also validity of modified BREQ was tested by CFA using AMOS 5.0 program. Goodness-of-fit index(x2, NC, GFI, AGFI, RMR, RMSEA) of BREQ was satisfied for korean. In the conclusion, modified BREQ was practical, valid to measure exercise regulation for korean. In a following study, various age and subject may be considered.
Key Words
behavior regulation in exercise questionnaire, self-determination
Golf Spectator Satisfaction Scale(GSSS) Development 인문,사회과학편 : 골프관람만족 척도개발
신규리KyuLeeShin , 원형중HyungJoongWon
45(4) 447-461, 2006
Golf Spectator Satisfaction Scale(GSSS) Development 인문,사회과학편 : 골프관람만족 척도개발
신규리KyuLeeShin , 원형중HyungJoongWon
The purpose of this study was to develop GSSS(Golf Spectator Satisfaction Scale) based on the experiences of golf gallery reflected in the process of golf spectatorship. The researcher developed pilot items on golf spectating satisfaction by utilizing open-ended questionnaire(a total of 76 subjects) to devise GSSS. Based upon these items, the researcher completed GSSS item selection after a series of statistical tests of explanatory factor analysis, reliability, correlation analysis with 309 subjects. After this procedure, the researcher performed confirmatory factor analysis with 279 subjects to verify the test validity of the GSSS. Within its limitations, the researcher found the following results from this study. 1) Explanatory factor analysis showed that structure of GSSS were comprised of three different factors and those were tangible product satisfaction, extended product satisfaction, and core product satisfaction. A total of 14 items were extracted and factor's eigen value were 4.225(30.177%) - .876(6.256%), total cumulative variance ration were 46.78%, inner item reliability were .763 - .838(overall reliability of GSSS were .845). 2) The results of final confirmatory factor analysis revealed that overall fit of GSSS were satisfactory [CFI=.929, NFI= .893, TLI= .913, RMSEA= .079] and validity of the newly developed scale were considered as acceptable.
Effects of Aerobic Exercise on the Improvement of Immunity in Middle-Aged Women 자연과학편 : 중년 여성의 면역력 향상에 대한 에어로빅 운동의 효과
전유정YooJeongJeon , 이정국JeongKookLee
45(4) 463-471, 2006
Effects of Aerobic Exercise on the Improvement of Immunity in Middle-Aged Women 자연과학편 : 중년 여성의 면역력 향상에 대한 에어로빅 운동의 효과
전유정YooJeongJeon , 이정국JeongKookLee
The aim of present study was to evaluate the effects of aerobic exercise on the improvement of immunity in middle-aged women. The study was done by 18 persons who able to exercise practice. We performed the test for immunity with 8 weeks interval during study period. In experimental group showed the statistical significant decrease of 20.61% and 27.03% for IgG during and after than before exercise. It is showed the none significant decrease of 11.76% and 8.87% for IgA, 18.62% and 27.03% for IgM. Also, Complement showed the significant decrease of 21.75% and 30.98% for C3, 56.12% and 59.07% for C4 during and after than before exercise. The continuous aerobic exercise has the effects on improvement of immunity in middle-aged women. Further studies for cellular immunity are needed to improve the competition power and decrease the infection of athletes.
Key Words
improvement, immunity
The changes of exercise participation on serum tumor and cardiovascular system factors 자연과학편 : 운동 참여에 따른 종양 혈청 및 심혈관계 요인의 변화
45(4) 473-483, 2006
The changes of exercise participation on serum tumor and cardiovascular system factors 자연과학편 : 운동 참여에 따른 종양 혈청 및 심혈관계 요인의 변화
The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes of 3years exercise participation on serum tumor(AFP, CEA, CA 19-9, PSA) and cardiovascular system factors at exercise stress testing in the middle-aged men. Subjects were 30 middle-aged men who were 40~50 years old. We enrolled 15 exercise group subjects into the participated 3years exercise program. Results of this study were as follows; in the serum tumor, control group were increased second and third test than that first test, but exercise group were decreased. And, in the cardiovascular system factors, control group were increased risk condition of cardiovascular system, but exercise group were decreased. These findings suggest that the inactivity middle-aged men was showed decrease of cardiovascular function and increased serum tumor concentration, but that active middle-aged men was elevated on the exercise capacity by regular exercise program participation and inhibited on the serum tumor.
Key Words
serum tumor, AFP, CEA, CA 19-9, PSA, cardiovascular system factors, exercise stress testing
The effect of regular aerobic walking and bicycle ergometer exercise on the walking distance, heart rate and blood pressure in operation patients with chronic venous disease 자연과학편 : 규칙적인 걷기운동과 자전거 에르고미터운동이 하지정맥류 수술환자의 보행거리, 심박수, 혈압에 미치는 영향
박기덕GiDuckPark , 주성범SungBumJu
45(4) 485-492, 2006
The effect of regular aerobic walking and bicycle ergometer exercise on the walking distance, heart rate and blood pressure in operation patients with chronic venous disease 자연과학편 : 규칙적인 걷기운동과 자전거 에르고미터운동이 하지정맥류 수술환자의 보행거리, 심박수, 혈압에 미치는 영향
박기덕GiDuckPark , 주성범SungBumJu
The purpose of this study was analysed the effect of regular aerobic walking and bicycle ergometer exercise on walking distance, heart rate and blood pressure in operation patients with chronic venous disease. For this, it was measured regular walking exercise group(9) and bicycle ergometer exercise(10) for a chronic venus disease operation patient over the 60 age in pre, 4-weeks, 8-weeks, 12-weeks. The result were as follows: There was a significant difference for walking distance of treatment periods(p<.05). Regular walking exercise group was a significant difference for rest heart rate of treatment periods(p<.05). There was a significant difference for blood pressure of treatment periods(p<.05). This exercise program of two kind which was applied in research in the aid at the facility enhance of a chronic venous disease operation patient. Specially, apply to the regular aerobic walking program in the rehabilitation with operation patients of chronic venous disease which the encouragement to the exercise method to be more efficient.
Effects of 1RM Resetting Time on Maximal Strength, Testosterone, and CPK of Male High School Students in 70~80%RM Weight Training 자연과학편 : 70~80%RM Weight Training에서 1RM 재설정 시기가 남고생의 최대근력과 Testosterone·CPK에 미치는 영향
김강훈KangHunKim , 양점홍JumHongYang , 최재현JaeHyunChoi
45(4) 493-503, 2006
Effects of 1RM Resetting Time on Maximal Strength, Testosterone, and CPK of Male High School Students in 70~80%RM Weight Training 자연과학편 : 70~80%RM Weight Training에서 1RM 재설정 시기가 남고생의 최대근력과 Testosterone·CPK에 미치는 영향
김강훈KangHunKim , 양점홍JumHongYang , 최재현JaeHyunChoi
The purpose of this study was to investigate more effective 1RM resetting time in WT program after comparative analysis of 1RM, testosterone, and CPK variations in male high school students. Forty subjects participated in this study from P high school in B metropolitan city. The subjects were grouped according to A(1week), B(2weeks), C(3weeks), and D(4weeks) on 1RM resetting time respectively in weight training period. The application of WT program for 12weeks was performed according to 55~70minutes per day, 3times a week, 70~80%RM, 8~12 repetitions, and 3sets. The detailed results of this study were as follows; 1) 1RM of bench press, squat, and dead lift between pre-exercise and post-exercise were all significantly improved in intragroup. 1RM resetting group of 2weeks, 3weeks, and 4weeks each in intergroup comparison were significantly improved better than 1RM resetting group of each week. 2) There was no significant difference in testosterone between intragroup, and intergroup, pre-exercise, and post-exercise. 3) The group was controlled 1RM resetting in pre-exercise and 2weeks, 4weeks each after 6weeks was significantly decreased in CPK, and there was no significant difference among each group. In conclusion, these results indicated that 1RM resetting time in WT doesn't lead to testosterone and CPK variations in male high school students, but 1RM resetting time from 2 to 4 weeks is effective on improvement of maximal strength.
Effects of Endurance Exercise Training on hGH-Induced Insulin Resistance of Skeletal Muscle in SD-Rats 자연과학편 : 지구성 운동이 SD-rat의 성장호르몬 유발 인슐린 저항성에 미치는 영향
Effects of Endurance Exercise Training on hGH-Induced Insulin Resistance of Skeletal Muscle in SD-Rats 자연과학편 : 지구성 운동이 SD-rat의 성장호르몬 유발 인슐린 저항성에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of endurance exercise on hGH-induced insulin resistance of skeletal muscle in rats. 28 rats were randomly divided into 4 groups: CON (saline injection group), GH (hGH injection group, 0.4 IU/kg/day, 6 days/week), Ex (Exercise group), GH/Ex (hGH injection/ Exercise group). After 8 weeks of treatment, the plasma lipids profiles, triglyceride contents in muscle & liver, muscle glucose transport rates (GTr), OGTT, and citrate synthase activities (CS) were measured. Plasma Insulin and glucose levels in GH were significantly increased than other 3 groups during OGTT. The GTr was significantly lower in GH than CON. However, there was not a significant difference between GH/Ex and CON. FFA levels were significantly higher in GH, GH/Ex than CON. TG contents in plantaris muscle was significantly greater in GH than CON, Ex. CS was significantly higher in EX, GH/Ex than CON, GH. However GH injections in GH and GH/Ex did not affect the plasma lipids except plasma FFA compared to CON and Ex. In conclusion, regular exercise training attenuated GH-induced insulin resistance in rats.
Association between cardiorespiratory fitness, inflammation marker and cardiovascular disease risk factors 자연과학편 : 심폐체력과 염증반응 지표 및 심혈관질환 위험요인의 관련성 비교
신윤아YunAShin , 김광준KwangJunKim
45(4) 515-524, 2006
Association between cardiorespiratory fitness, inflammation marker and cardiovascular disease risk factors 자연과학편 : 심폐체력과 염증반응 지표 및 심혈관질환 위험요인의 관련성 비교
신윤아YunAShin , 김광준KwangJunKim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between cardiorespiratory fitness, inflammation marker and cardiovascular disease risk factors. The subjects who participated in this study were 68 middle-aged women. The cardiorespiratory fitness was negatively correlated with the %body fat, SBP and TC. Adiponectin was positively correlated with HDL-C and negatively correlated with WC and FBG. Leptine was positively correlated with the BMI, %body fat, WC, SBP, DBP and TC. CRP was positively correlated with TC and TG. Moreover, the cardiorespiratory fitness was positively correlated with adiponectin and negatively correlated with leptin and IL-6. The stepwise multiple linear regression analyses showed that leptin, cardiorespiratory fitness and adiponectin were the greatest independent-prediction factor for the cardiovascular disease risk factors. Consequently, the results of this study demonstrated that the cardiorespiratory fitness has significant relationship with the cardiovascular disease and inflammatory marker. Furthermore, the increase of the cardiorespiratory fitness may improve the inflammatory marker, which in turn prevent and modulate cardiovascular disease. risk factor.
The angular kinematic analysis of forehand volley in tennis according to stroke direction 자연과학편 : 타구방향에 따른 테니스 포핸드 발리의 각운동학 분석
45(4) 525-534, 2006
The angular kinematic analysis of forehand volley in tennis according to stroke direction 자연과학편 : 타구방향에 따른 테니스 포핸드 발리의 각운동학 분석
The present study purposed to examine the kinetic characteristics of tennis forehand volley through analyzing kinematic variables related to racquet work. Experiment was conducted with seven tennis players at a high school team that had won many nationalscale tennis tournaments in 2005. First, the open angle of the racket face at the moment of impact was 70 degrees for cross and 71 degrees for reverse cross, and the inclination of the racket was 57 degrees and 55 degrees, respectively. Second, the grip angle was almost perpendicular to the ground when the direction of volley at the moment of impact was cross. Third, to change the direction of volley, the shoulder was rotated much less and the grip angle or the open angle of the racket and the inclination of the racket were adjusted. Fourth, the position of takeback was a negative value for both directions, pulling the racket head back behind the middle of the two shoulders. Fifth, the position of impact in cross attack was ahead of that in reverse cross attack.
Key Words
tennis forehand volley, racquet work
The comparative analysis of EMG and Gait patterns of Lower extremities during going up stairs and down 자연과학편 : 계단 오르기와 내리기 동작 시 하지분절의 보행형태 및 EMG 비교분석
김유신YouSinKim , 김은정EunJungKim , 서충진ChungJinSeo
45(4) 535-545, 2006
The comparative analysis of EMG and Gait patterns of Lower extremities during going up stairs and down 자연과학편 : 계단 오르기와 내리기 동작 시 하지분절의 보행형태 및 EMG 비교분석
김유신YouSinKim , 김은정EunJungKim , 서충진ChungJinSeo
The purpose of this study is to examine the differences of gait patterns, gait time, and muscle activity of lower extremities during going up stairs and down. During going up it took longer and the upper body was leaned more. Also pelvic hight was lower and left·right ankles were more dorsi flexed. On the contrary during going down left·right hip flexion angle, left·right ankle valgus, and left·right ankle external rotation were higher. Pelvic rotation, left·right hip adduction/abduction, left·right hip internal/external rotation, left·right knee flexion/extension angle, left·right knee valgus/varus, left·right knee internal/external rotation were contrary to each other during going up and down the stairs. About the muscle activity of right lower extremities, the muscle activity of rectus femoris and tibialis anterior were higher during going up on the other hand the muscle activity of biceps femoris and gastrocnemius medial head were higher during going down. In conclusion the gait patterns of going up were different from those of going down.
Key Words
going up stairs and down, gait patterns, electromyography, EMG
Principal components regression and ridge regression under the multicollinearity 자연과학편 : 다중공선성 상태의 주성분회귀와 능형회귀
45(4) 547-556, 2006
Principal components regression and ridge regression under the multicollinearity 자연과학편 : 다중공선성 상태의 주성분회귀와 능형회귀
In regression analysis the alternatives of OLS (ordinary least squares) method for estimating regression coefficients should be considered if there is a severe multicollinearity among explanatory variables. It means that the multicollinearity distorts the results of study. Researcher, therefore, usually use prevailing two alternative methods, which are principal components regression (PCR) and ridge regression (RR). The purpose of this study is to propose the two alternative regression methods in a case of the multicollinearity problem and to give some discussions of the methods. For this study, two regression model were considered. One model contains three explanatory variables, two of three variables of highly correlated, and one response variable, by explanatory variables, which were created under the assumptions of regression analysis. The other model was oxygen consumption analysed by SAS OnlineDoc. From these variables, OLS, PCR and RR estimators were estimated and their variations were examined by means of ridge trace. PCR and RR showed results with satisfaction in a case of multicollinearity of a multiple regression.
Key Words
regression, multicollinearity, principal components regression, ridge regression